Saturday, January 1, 2011

11 can-do resolutions for 2011!

who says you have to make 1 boring new years resolution?  i decided to compile a list of 11 things i want to implement in my life this year:

1.  make weekly menus.  not only will making weekly menus every sunday make my life easier during the week, but it'll help me narrow down my grocery list to things i really need for the week, as opposed to getting caught up in all the 'deals.'  remember, it's not a good deal if you don't actually need it or won't actually use it.
2.  use coupons more!  with the help of weekly menus, i can 'study' the sales at my two grocery stores (harris teeter & safeway) and match up coupons that i already have to get the best price possible.  this actually REALLY excites me.
3.  cash only grocery shopping.  i've made a vow to myself, starting with my first paycheck of  2011, that i will use ONLY cash for groceries.  i will leave behind credit cards and debit cards to ensure that i don't go over my cash allotment for the week.
4.  learn to cook fish.  ::sigh::  this is a resolution i'm not looking forward to, but it's totally necessary.  i loathe cooking fish because i just can't get it right!  fish has so many healthy benefits and is really essential for a proper diet, so this is a must-do and certainly a can-do.
5.  maintain an awesome GPA.  i start school this month for nursing; i am extremely apprehensive about it because i understand the juggle is going to be tough with work, baby, and school.  my biggest worry is that i'll 'forget' to study with so much going on and i won't get into the nursing program in a reasonable time; therefore, i've resolved that i will do what i can it takes to 'make the grade,' so to speak.  even if this means i have to drop a course to do better in another, i'll do it.  "it's not how fast you get there, but how long you stay."
6.  get together with girlfriends (aka the fab five) once a month.  this is SO important to me because we lost touch for so many years and i realized how fullfilling being with them has been in the last couple of months.  it's also a great release from all the stresses of life.  there is nothing like a good friend and a glass of wine!
7.  visit a winery at least once every other month.  speaking of good friends and a glass of wine, i need to experience more types of wine!  i love the atmosphere of a winery and i love just tasting new types of wine.
8.  perfect the chocolate chip cookie.  i haven't done it yet, but i think i'm getting close!
9.  stay active.  i want to continue to do cardio at least 5 times a week, not only for weight loss, but for heart healthy purposes, too!
10.  calm down.  everythingn doesn't have to be urgent or done immediately, and that's something i'm learning.  everything doesn't have to be a big deal, i.e., tracking dirty boots all across the house.  my new motto for 2011 is NBD (no big deal).  there are more important things in life than freaking out about clean carpets and floors.
11.  spend more time with my son.  (saving the most significant for last)  not as in being in the same room with him, but really being there with him and playing with him and teaching him.  the first year of his life has gone by so fast and i don't want to miss anything.  my goal this year, and every year going forward, will be to do what it takes to spend as much time with my son as possible.  i don't want to lose these moments.

what are your resolutions?

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