Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Thursday Push!

photo from flickr
Not sure if I've ever mentioned in my blog that I have braces, but I do.  That's right - adult braces.  I know now why I never got braces in high school - because they suck.  Currently, I'm starving, but my mouth is killing me.  Literally killing me!  Funny how I could have such an easy birthing experience, but braces turn me into the biggest wuss!

Despite the brace pain, I am having a pretty okie dokie morning.  I woke up about 2 lbs lighter (suhweet!) and I didn't work out last night.  On top of not working out, I had 3 large glasses of wine (I blame the braces).  How does that work?  I bust my tush to lose weight and the days I slack off, I actually lose some?  It's like my wildest dreams have come true!

Okay, I digress.  The purpose of the Thursday Push is to help us finish the week no matter what we're going through.  As trivial as my 'brace pain' is, it still makes me think of one of my favorite bible verses:

 There is a time for everything,
   and a season for every activity under the heavens

Ecclesiastes 3:1

So, whether you're experiencing pain from braces or something on a much larger scale, remember "this too shall pass."

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