I am going to to do a 'Grocery No Spend' here shortly for a 2 week time frame. It will go from 4/11-4/24. The only real challenge will be produce, but I do have frozen fruit. Steven might not love the idea of going without bananas, but he will survive. There is so much in my 'fridge and pantry to work with that provides plenty of nutritional value. We have a lot more chicken than other meat, so don't be surprised if my menu contains a significant amount of chicken. My goal is to be creative with my Menu Planning and also cut my budget for groceries yet again. I have already gone from $400/month to $200/month, so why not shoot for closer to $100-150/month? It doesn't hurt to try.
What you see:
1 Texas Toast Croutons
2 Harris Teeter Shredded Cheese
3 HT Chicken Breast (1.5 lbs each)
8 Yoplait Greek Yogurt
4 ValuTime Chicken Noodle Soup
4 ValuTime Cream of Chicken
5 Mangoes
1 Fresh Express Spinach
5 Gatorade
4 Ragu Pasta Sauce
3 Smithfield Lunch Meat
3 Healthy Ones Lunch Meat
1 Smart Balance Popcorn
4 Mueller's Pasta
2 Purex Laundry Detergent
2 Clorox Wipes
2 6pk Whitehouse Natural Applesauce
1 Purina Dog Chow (the big one!)
Total OOP: $62.47
Total Saved: $91.12
The lunch meat all had a $3 off sticker on it because the Sell By date was 4/15 or earlier, so I ended up paying $0.99 for each of them! I freeze lunch meat, which I've read into and is totally okie dokie.

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