Here's how...
Sign up for Amazon Mom. If you haven't done it, you're missing out. Amazon Mom allows you FREE 2 day shipping (it usually comes the next business day!), an additional 15% off diapers and wipes AND it's totally free for you to sign up. What are you waiting for?
Find your diapers:
Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 4 (22-37 Lbs), Economy Plus Pack, 176 Diapers
Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 3 (16-28 Lbs), Economy Plus Pack, 204 DiapersPampers Baby Dry Diapers, Size 5 (27+ Lbs), Economy Plus Pack, 156 Diapers
Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive Diapers, Size 2, 152 CountPampers Swaddlers Dry Max Diapers, Size 2-3 152 Count
Pampers Swaddlers Newborn 240 Diapers
Go here to get the $1.50 off coupon.

When you add your item to your cart, subscribe to it and save 30% on your order. YOU CAN CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING YOUR ORDER.
I was able to save 20% more thanks to Kelly for giving me a coupon which comes in those parenting magazines I mentioned earlier today on Facebook - let me know if you need that info.
Here is my breakdown:
Thank you soooo much, Cleverly Simple!

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