Let's be honest, I need a little more than just a push this week...
Exhaustion has officially set in. I think anyone is capable of handling an overflowing plate for a short period of time before sleep deprivation starts to set in. I like to think I'm Super Woman, but turns out I'm not.
Work is still work and some days (or multiple days in a row!) I get really down about the situation I've put myself in, but for the most part I'm dealing with it and trying to keep a positive attitude. Generally, something happens that really gets me going, but I'm trying to at least arrive in a good mood then see where the day takes me. Haha.
Today, I am particularly tired because my sweet baby boy decided to pull an all-nighter. He didn't finally fall asleep until around 2 am! We fell asleep on the couch watching some late night cartoons; I felt like I'd just fallen asleep when my 5 am alarm on my phone went off, not to mention the Yo! Gabba Gabba nightmares. I still have no idea what set him off to begin with, but the possibility of an ear infection was brought to my attention and I hope that's not the case. The poor child just got over a URI.
An old friend of mine came across a 'why me?' status update on Facebook and reminded me to "just keep swimming..." After that, my favorite step-aunt-in-law said, "Suzie, unlike Dory, don't forget where you are going" and reading those two comments a few times has really lifted me up. What would we do without encouragement?
So, that's my advice to everyone having a bad day, week, month, or year: JUST KEEP SWIMMING!

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