Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Holy Sleep Deprivation.

Hey friends!  It's Tuesday and I haven't even thought about what I'll be cooking this week.  Actually, that's not true, I did think about it and decided to stop thinking about it immediately.

This means that Little Steven had Macaroni and Cheese for dinner and Big Steven walked to Subway.  I was too tired to eat dinner last night, so I opted for a banana protein smoothie instead.  We had a great time this weekend with our friends (pics to come!), and I can't wait to do it again.  Even if it means getting very little sleep...

As for feeding my family, of course I'm gonna.  It's going to be a week full of easy, but delicious.  The Closet Cook has inspired me with some fantastic sammies, which is one of my fav foods btw.  The possibilities are endless!

I will add Ham to this Caramlized Apple and Grilled Cheese Sammie inspired by this yumminess:

And perhaps a Fried Tuna Ball Po Boy?  I die for the Remoulade Sauce.

At least I have some inspiration for this week; I was seriously lacking until I wandered upon Closet Cooking.  I also want to try a Shredded Chicken Shepherd's Pie, so we'll so how it turns out :).

Happy week and stay tuned for recipes from last week and a Shred update.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Suzie! I just wanted to thank you for your comment on Yummy Mummy today. Thanks for your support of our good friend Gwendolyn Strong.

    You look beautiful. I definitely do not look this good when I'm sleep deprived :)

