Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Adios, Free Time.

As if 'free time' was ever in my vocab, I have now discovered the hype that is Pinterest.
And, can I please say, all the hype is true.
::kicks self for not thinking of it first::

I have already begun to figure out where I can shave some time from and it looks like I'm quitting working out, which I think is okay because I may also need to cut out the time that I eat.

{stop it!}

{brown butter, bacon, & chocolate chip cookies}

{pumpkin pie bourbon milkshakes!}

If I don't answer your email/call/texts/cries, this is why.
I'll see you when it gets old.


  1. I'll take an order of all of the above, ASAP. Please!
    Yes, I love Pinterest. My sister got me hooked. I get lost! My child seems to know how to get my attention though.

  2. It's definitely overwhelming! So much to look at!
