Thursday, November 17, 2011

Awkward & Awesome Thursday.

[shirt: f21, leggings: f21, hair feather: f21, socks: homemade, boots: somewhere in TN?]


- The only thing more deliciously attractive than adult braces is wearing the rubber bands with them.  fortunately, I only have to wear them at night right now; unfortunately, Big Steven doesn't find it sexy.
- Eating.
- Big Steven taking this picture of me; we aren't really that kind of 'blog couple.'
- Little Steven crying hysterically when he sees his Dr.  Every time.  Before she touches him.  She's super sweet, I swear it.


- I should have my braces off by the time my twin gets married.
- The 'skinny angle' Big Steven got of me with no diretion what-so-ever.  High five!
- The New Girl.  If you arent watching it, you should; she named her turkey 'Hank,' short for 'Hanksgiving.'  BAHAHAHAHA.
- Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!  I love food.
- This trip to CVS:

My total OOP was $17.65 with $9 Extra Bucks back and a $10 Old Navy Gift Card.

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