Wednesday, February 15, 2012


[dear mandy - i know you hate these energy drinks because they're bad for my heart, but i just love em.]
I don't know if it's the Red Bull, the engagement, the added responsibilities at work, the awesome glasses, this recipe that I will make before the end of the week, or the fact that we're half way through the week - but I am in a GREAT mood.

This next few (or so) days are so full of goodness:

one - it's a 4 day weekend for me!
b - it happens to be super doubles at HT!
tres - i get to go to Nick's with some awesome ladies and dance/sing the night away
4 - Disney on Ice with my boy, his aunt Dede, my Katerina, and other sweet ladies.  something about buying a ridiculous light up toy that he will play with about 5 times makes me WILD!
e - my oldest friend (oldest=length of friendship; she's younger than i am), amanda ott, is coming over for a sleepover saturday night; we will eat, watch movies, make wedding plans, etc.  just like the good 'ol days.
six- i am going to church for the first time in 7 years.  i'm pretty excited because i greatly miss fellowship, but a little nervous at the same time.  remembering wise words from my sistah: "your sin is no greater than anyone else who has been redeemed in that church."
siete - did i mention it's a 4 day weekend?!
8 - painting my bedroom a loverly shade of orange.  don't judge just yet!
i - SLEEP!

It's going to be a fantastic few days.

[dear God - please do NOT turn me into a disney-aholic like Aunt Dede.  thanks!]

1 comment:

  1. I just started back at church last summer after a LONG hiatus! I'm so much happier now than I've been in years!!! I hope you find a place there. Have fun on your FOUR day weekend (ahem, jealous).
