Monday, October 31, 2011

I Think I Have a Problem.

I went to CVS yesterday because I desperately needed mascara.  I got two new Covergirl Lash Blasts (the orange one!) and came home to put them away.  I discovered that I may have a mascara addiction.  Shown are the ones that were already in my make-up bag.

Eh.  At least it's a healthy addiction that comes with coupons.

pictures of my Halloween will be up tomorrow.

P.S. New friends from The Shine Project - don't forget you can also enter my giveaway until 11/9/2011 for another chance to win that Starbucks gift card and Shine necklace!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pork Chops w/ Apple Cider Gravy and Home Fries!

Pork Chops w/ Apple Cider Gravy and Home Fries

- 1 lb Pork Chops
- 3 packets Swanson Chicken Flavor Boost
- 1 cup Apple Cider
- 3 tbsp Flour
- 3 tbsp Butter
- 1/2 - 1 cup Vegetable Oil
- 5-8 Small Potatoes

**you can sub 1 cup of Chicken Broth for the Flavor Boost and use only 1/2 cup Cider

Pan fry your Pork Chops in a little EVOO and remove from pan.  In the same pan, melt Butter.  When Butter is melted, add your Flour and wisk constantly until just browned.  Stir in your Flavor Boost and Cider and wisk until desired thickness is reached.  Remove from heat, serve over Pork Chops.

To make the Fries, cut your Potatoes into really small slices.  Add about 1/2 - 1 cup Vegetable Oil to pan on Low/Medium heat.  Allow Oil to get hot before adding Potatoes, but be careful because it will splash a bit.  It takes about 5-10 minutes for the Potatoes to brown and soften, depending on how many you put in the pan.  Transfer to a dish with paper towels (to soak up the oil) and sprinkle salt.  Yummmmmy.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Awkward & Awesome Thursday.


- The cold sore coming in.  I can't see it, but I can feel it and I have the weirdest mannerisms when I have a cold sore.  I generally begin all conversations with people like so: "Hey, I have a really big cold sore and it sucks."  Then that makes the person I'm talking to really uncomfortable.  Cold sores are the worst.
- My stomach feels really sick.  I'm not sure if the cereal followed by brownies w/ Reeses in the center and Cheetos had anything to do with it...
- I used to think 'Cheetos' were 'Cheese-tos.'  Until I was like 24.  In my defense, that would make much more sense.
- My hair is kinda rorange colored.
- Getting a 20% on a Pretest for my Math class.  Please tell me when I will ever need to graph x and y intercepts when I become a Nurse.


- In case you didn't notice, I am wearing a UPenn shirt to represent my little sister's college.  I really don't care about the college that much and don't really like Philly - I've never been, but I hate the Eagles (naturally.) - but I do sure love my Rachy.
- Not spending lots of money for this rorange hair.  I've decided to color it myself because I am cheap and I just can't justify shelling out $200+ for something I will likely change my mind about in less than 2 months.  It's actually really close to the color I want, so we're making progress!
- After the 31st,  I will get a 2 month break from classes!  Just in time for the holidays :)
- LADIES NIGHT tonight at The Melting Pot.
- Look out for my debut over at The Shine Project this weekend. - Don't forget to enter my first giveaway!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

That Just Happened...

No, that is not my Halloween costume in the works.  I somehow got caught on the bathroom door and ripped my shirt!  Granted, I got this poorly made shirt at TJ Maxx years ago and it makes me look upwards of 5 months pregnant, but I love it!  R.I.P. Cheap-a Shirt.

I know how to fix this...

Pizza FTW!  Oh, pizza, you always come through for me.

'Tis the Season.... GIVEAWAY CLOSED :) drink Starbucks and G I V E.

Which brings me, folks, to my very first giveaway!


Let's be honest.  Everyone loves Starbucks.  Even toddlers.  See:

So, what better way to make you love me than to give you a $25 Gift Card?  BOOM!

AND, I want to give away one of these super adorable Shine Necklaces:

Not only are they cute, but they are for a good cause.  Ashley over at The Shine Project has dedicated her life to giving to others.  She is a fresh breath of optimism and joy; I can't get enough of her!

The contest will be open until November 9th!

Rules for entering:
1.  You must be a Semi-Homemade Suzie follower on one of the following:
 Blogger, Facebook, Google, or Networked Blogs.
2. You also have to follow The Shine Project if you aren't already.
3.  Leave me a comment telling me you are following - if you are following in more than one way, leave a comment for each way you follow so you enter the contest for more chances to win!

Ready, set, GO!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh No She Didn't.

I will not torture you with a photo of myself today for two reasons:
1.  I am at work and this is a quick blog.
2.  I look like a steaming pile of ... 

To give you a little bit of an idea, here is something similar to what I resemble:

And I'm offically grossed out...

So, this day starts off with me forcing my near-death self to get out of my disgustingly comfortable bed; I was feeling a little woozy, but chalked it up to some Nyquil from last night.  I proceeded to get ready - which, incase you're wondering, did not include washing my hair - and fell backwards into my bathroom door.  Wait a second - does Nyquil make you black out?  Since when?

I had to wake my poor boy up (which I was TOTES happy about because this means he might start sleeping again) and sent him to the sitter in his racecar jammies because he refused to take them off.  NBD.  But, I got a call from Mrs. L not long after I got to work telling me that he's got the big D.  Welllllllllllllllll, it looks like Stevie and Mommy will be down for the count tonight.  Here's hopin' Daddy has a good day at work.

All of this is fine because these things happen.  What I am not okay with is the B I got in my Psych. 202 course; I did significantly better on the tests in this course than my Psych. 201 course got an A in that, so I emailed my teacher.  I wonder if begging works as well on her as it does on Big Steven.

I know you're thinking a B is good, but I am taking Chemistry and Microbiology simultaneously starting in January.  This is going to be time consuming, stressful, and difficult to juggle, so I've decided I'd be okay with a B in one of those courses.  I have no wiggle room based on the competitive nature of the nursing program I want to get into.

YIKES!  Tomorrow is Friday.  Let's take that in...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This Kid.

It starts every night.  I tuck him in and leave the room, followed by him crying for Daddy to tuck him in, followed once more by wanting Mommy to come give kisses.  It was cute at first...

You know what else used to be cute?  When he'd wake up when Daddy left so he could sleep with Mommy.  Only he doesn't go back to sleep anymore.  It's "milk, mama" or "tv!"  This morning, it started at 4:30am.  I went in to tuck him back in and find the tag on his blanket, then madness ensued.  So, Daddy did as Daddy does and walked in the room, said "lay down" and the child went back to sleep.  Pardon me, but WTF?  When did I become chopped liver?

Then he woke up again at 5:45 relentless.  I went in there about 3 times from 5:45-7:15 with no luck of getting that child to go back to sleep.  Finally, I just yelled passed the door (as not to torture the child with my presence) for him to lay back down.  I begged, really.  Then he started saying "MOMMY?!  WHERE ARE YOU?!" 

I love this pain in the butt. 

And I died laughing...literally because my throat is significantly worse today, so the laugh was pretty painful.  Feeling pretty grateful today for being able to spread out my working hours so I can try to kick this thing.

Happy day, people!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chain of Events.

I'm not sure how such a kick-a weekend turned so bad!

Being sick does NOT suit me well.  I usually get a cold of some sort every year, but wasn't banking on it this early on.  Big Steven gets colds a lot this time of year and managed to pass it on to me.  And he calls me the love of his life...

We got a new mattress, which is, but it might be working against me in a few ways.  Usually, when Little Steven goes to bed, I get in a nice long work out.   BUT, since we got the awesome mattress (Friday), I have been cuddling up in bed and reading.  In all fairness, I also had the weekend working against me and BOY did it.  I had a great time with some great friends but the wine consumption was more than I'd planned on.  To make that long story short - I ended up not going to the game (a division game!  gasp.), laid up in bed, pissed my twin off, caught some serious cold, and the Redskins lost.  I blame myself.

So to all my fellow Skins fans out there - I will never miss a home game again without proper notice.  I will prepare myself (as is my duty) to be ready for every game for the rest of my life.

And to my twin -

please stop hating me. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Easy Peasy Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookies!

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookies

1 pkg Chocolate Chip Mix
1 Egg
1/2 cup Butter
1/2 pkg Oreos
2 tbsp Milk

Literally mix all this stuff up in a mixer and bake for 10-12 minutes (depending on the size cookie you make).

Easy peasy and lb packing delicious!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Almost Friday!

Have I ever mentioned my disdain for the traffic in Northern Virginia?  Oh, I have?
Well, I really don't like it.  For realz.
When did this area become so ridiculously over populated?  A million years ago?
I cannot wait until I have a degree that allows me to have a career that doesn't involve commuting toward D.C. or Maryland.


- Being that mom that doesn't carry the necessities in her diaper bag.  My son is wearing 0-6 month socks today because he decided to puddle jump on the way to the car this morning and I evidently don't pack extra socks.  I suppose the Mom of the Year award will go to someone else.
- Calling a customer and telling him that the parts he ordered a month ago won't be ready for another 4-5 weeks...if he's lucky.
- Shorting my babysitter $20.  Totes an accident, Mrs. L.
- Big Steven turned on the fan and I said "Oh, were you looking for it to get hot" and then doing a 'sexy' dance.  His response "I was until you did that."
- Sharing the above information is a little awkward, too, but if you picture my dance, it's funny.  Right?
- Nearly crashing into a vehicle in front of me and squeeling tires to stop, followed by Little Steven saying "ERRRRCH" (you know, like tires squeeling) then saying "WHOA BABY!"  HAHAHA.  Okay, that's a little awesome too


- My hair is growing so long!  I feel like it's taken forever to grow it out, but I love it.
- A date at Hard Times tonight.  So, it's not very fancy, but I LOVE Hard Times food.
- Forcing myself to workout 60+ minutes for 3 days in a row.  I had to prepare for the gluttony that will occur tonight.
- The company Christmas party is going to be at a really pretty place in Old Town Alexandria PLUS we get hotels to stay in.  Nice!
- The chocolate covered almonds my boss orders every year for his friends are right around the corner.  Those things are bomb.
- Lipstick.
- Ladies night at The Melting Pot on the 27th!  20% of the proceeds go to the Susan G. Komen foundation.
- A planned vacay to see Wicked in New York with some lovely ladies in January or February!  I've never been to New York and I've been dying to see Wicked.  I just can't wait!
- My twin brother and his lovely fiance will be wed this day next year!  I'm looking forward to having another sister.  I LOVE YOU BOTH!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Adios, Free Time.

As if 'free time' was ever in my vocab, I have now discovered the hype that is Pinterest.
And, can I please say, all the hype is true.
::kicks self for not thinking of it first::

I have already begun to figure out where I can shave some time from and it looks like I'm quitting working out, which I think is okay because I may also need to cut out the time that I eat.

{stop it!}

{brown butter, bacon, & chocolate chip cookies}

{pumpkin pie bourbon milkshakes!}

If I don't answer your email/call/texts/cries, this is why.
I'll see you when it gets old.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Confessions of a Real Life Mom.

I will never be a morning person.
I get up when I need to, but I sure don't like it.
If I had it my way, I'd sleep until 9-10am every single day. 
They didn't call me 'Snoozin' Susan' when I was younger for nothing.
I've accepted it.  In fact, I'm embracing my love of sleep; I decided that I will go back to lazy Sundays.  'Lazy' is my least favorite word and I will punch anyone who calls me lazy, but I took a nap while Little Steven was napping on Sunday and I feel so refreshed!  Take THAT morning wake up call!
Maybe the giant bags under my eyes will finally disappear.
Here's hopin'!

Let's focus on the positives, shall we?
I've successfully cut down on my caffiene intake, I work out regularly (brag: 80 min. cycling sesh/800 calories burned/23 mi.  BOOYA), and I have stepped up my game in the clothing department - dare I say I look dang cute?  I dare.

So, now that we've established my single flaw (HA!), finish this sentence...
I will never be...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Chicken Primavera

Chicken Primavera
adapted from McCormick Recipe Inspirations

1 lb Grilled Chicken (I used prepackaged Chicken)
1 cup Heavy Cream
3/4 cup Chicken Broth
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
2 tbsp Butter
1/2 tsp Salt
1 1/2 tsp Dill Weed
1 tsp Minced Garlic
1 tsp Minced Onion
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Thyme

Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and allow to simmer before serving.  I served this over my Homemade Mash and it was delicious.  Such a heavy Fall meal.

Spicy Shrimp w/ Lemon Risotto

Spicy Shrimp w/ Lemon Risotto

For the Shrimp:

2 lbs Shrimp, peeled & deveined
1 clove Garlic
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
2 tbsp EVOO
1 tbsp Butter

Preheat your pan on Medium heat and melt Butter.  Add remaining ingredients and allow flavors to come together for about 20 minutes.

For the Lemon Risotto:

5 cups Chicken Broth
2 tbsp Butter
1 1/2 cups uncooked Arborio Rice
1/4 cup White Wine
1/2 tsp Thyme
3 tbsp Lemon Juice
2 tbsp Mascarpone Cheese
S&P to taste

Heat Broth in a saucepan and keep warm.

In a large skilley, add Butter, Thyme, Rice, and S&P.  Cook and stir for 3 minutes or so.  Stir in Wine and Lemon Juice and cook until all liquid is absorbed.  Stir in your heated Broth slowly and stirring constantly.  Generally, it's best to stir in 1/2-1 cup at a time and allow it to absorb before adding more Broth.  Add your Mascarpone and S&P!  I also added some Chopped Broccoli to mine.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Awkward & Awesome Thursday


- The word 'awkward.'  Am I right?
- As if having adult braces isn't awkward in and of itself, I had them tightened yesterday, so chewing really sucks today; mostly, I chew with my mouth open.
- My son's impeccable ability to repeat everything that comes out of my mouth.
- My sleeping arrangements last night - Bella (my dog) sleeping beside me and Luda (my sister's dog) sleeping between my legs.
- Trying to charm people into purchasing thousands of dollars worth of lifting equipment.  I'm not that charming.
- Unsuccessfully trying to fool Big Steven with Boca meat in his spaghetti.  Hey, I didn't feel like making two separate sauces for him and my vegetarian, gluten-free sister, okay?!  Get off my back.
- Having a verbal arguement with my scale this A.M.  Biotch won't budge.


- God.  Watching God work in my friends' lives is AWESOME.
- Having the energy to work out.  Where did that come from?
- Investing in my future.  Thank you, 401k.
- Sister, Helen, and teenager, Sydney are staying at my house.  With Luda.  Luda is 'special,' but Helen and Sydney are awesome.
- Pumpkin.  All things pumpkin are delicious.  Particularly Eddy's Slow Churn Pumpkin Ice Cream.