Anyways, these are my confessions...
Confessions of a Real Life Mom
Tonight, I am home alone. Well, Bella is here, but she is quite the napper. Big & Little Steven are at the lake for the night; when they are home, I sometimes just want alone time but can't have it. Then they leave me, I miss them and want them back home. I am so difficult!
I am supposed to be critiquing 3 presentations as well as my own and studying for a big time anatomy lab test tomorrow. Instead, I have painted my toe nails and finger nails, browsed some fantastic blogs, and made myself some coffee at 6:30pm. Don't worry - caffeine is at my beck and call; it works when I want it to and turns off when I don't. I will have zero trouble sleeping tonight.
I confess that I am a procrastinator. Though not quite at the level of procrastination awesomeness as my cousin,
I confess that I am impossible. I always want the opposite of what is, i.e. I want my boys here when they're gone and I sometimes want them to leave me alone when they're here.
I confess that I am PALE! It's okay because pale is def. the new tan, but look at me! I am practically transparent!
I confess that my 'dinner' will probably be a pot of coffee.
I confess that I still love the Redskins (note the Skins calendar) and I am still a season ticket holder, though it's quite possible I will be demanding my money back by the end of the season...again.
I confess that I haven't showered today. OMG! I can't believe I confessed that...